Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Naughty Gnome strikes again!

A few weeks ago the Naughty Gnome paid us a visit and hid my phone. His hiding place was discovered a few days later (in the couch), but that pesky gnome struck again last week.

This naughty gnome took this picture with my camera before hiding it!

This time, he hid my camera. Harrumph! I've searched the entire house high and low for a week without any luck. Then today, success! Care to guess where that Naughty little Gnome hid it this time? Go on, take a guess...
He hid it in....
the garbage!

Gaa! That nasty, Naughty Gnome almost won, but I thwarted his attempts at the very last minute.

Watch your phones and cameras people, the Naughty Gnome is on the loose!


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