Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

Since our homemade laundry detergent was such a success, I figured I'd give homemade dishwasher detergent a shot. It didn't hurt that the store-bought, expensive brand was doing a crappy job cleaning in our new dishwasher.

The recipe I found in blog land was
1/2 c. Borax
1/2 c. Washing Soda
1/4 c. citric acid

I read that in a pinch you can substitute non-sugar lemon drink mix for the citric acid, so I tried it. Naturally, at the store I was in a hurry, so I grabbed the first lemon drink mix I came across, which happens to have sugar in it. Woops!

I gave it a shot anyway, doubling the amount of lemon drink mix to compensate for the smaller amount of citric acid in the mix, and the Borax and washing soda I already had on hand for my laundry detergent.

I used:
1/2 c. Borax
1/2 c. Washing Soda
1/2 c. lemonade drink mix

Did it work? You better believe it! My glasses and dishes actually came out sparkling! Usually they are cloudy and several dishes need to be re-washed by hand. Not this time! I'm very pleased with the results.

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  1. This is great. we are looking for cleaning post for our DIY Club Jan eZine so I would love to have you enter this on my party at and then over at our other site We have a weekly DIY Living party over there.


  2. Aha! This is a simple solution to a complex (chemical) problem. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I think I'm gonna share this on my blog. :)
