Sorry for my absence (not that anyone noticed it but me), life has a way of trumping blogging.
I haven't spent much time crafting or sewing this week. My most recent project was seat belt covers for the little man's carseat. The straps tend to dig into his neck, and it looks mighty uncomfortable, so these were my solution.
My, how serious he looks!
I used one of the million receiving blankets we have as the fabric. They are very simple, but effective. I didn't use any batting between the flannel layers because I didn't want them to be too puffy and hot, but I should have I think. This doesn't provide any cushion on his shoulders, just a softer, more comfortable fabric against his skin. I didn't take any pics of the process because they were so easy they only took about 15-20 mins from start to finish. Here are my steps though:
1. measure the width of the belt, triple that number then add your seam allowance
2. trace a bowl about the size you need to get a perfect circle
3. cut out 4 of these circles
4. pin and sew two circles together with right sides facing in, leaving an opening to turn right-side-out
5. turn then topstitch, I used a zig zag stitch
6. fold into thirds to figure out where you want the velcro, then sew it in place.
Voila! Easy peasy seatbelt covers!
If I were to add batting then I would just layer the fabric and batting how I intended the final product to look (right side out), hem around the edges, then sew two seams up each circle 1/3 of the way in from the edge (to keep the batting from bunching, and to make it easier to fold in thirds), then add double bias tape around the edges for a neat look. You could use the same technique for regular size seat belts as well.
In fact, I think I might do this when I get my sewing machine fixed. Oh, speaking of machine is broken! :( Somehow my bobbin case twisted out of place, it jammed up, broke a needle, and a tiny (but important) piece of the case broke off. Boooooo! Do you know how expensive those are? Almost $50! Holy cow! It's going to have to wait.
Now, for the big news! I am happy to announce that the wee one is now sleeping in his own crib! Today is day 3 of him sleeping there, and I'm shocked to say that it was a short transition. He cried for about 50 minutes the first time I put him there to nap (it was torture for me, and I checked on him every 10-15 minutes of course), and ever since he is just fine! I lay him down and he actually sleeps!
::Cue the chorus of angels singing::
Who'da thunk it?
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